Electrical Safety Tips To Protect Your Building
Posted by Best Access Doors on 30th Dec 2020
It is now ordinary for almost all homes and commercial buildings as powered with energy. However, it is an unfortunate thing that not everyone knows about electrical safety. Many home electrical fires occur each year, including electrocution or electricity-related incidents. These can be often be prevented by understanding and applying essential electrical safety tips.
Nowadays, it seems that it's likely that most people use several electrical appliances on any given day. Electric devices are now so common in modern homes, offices, and commercial buildings. Hence, it becomes too easy to forget that the use of such electrical appliances comes associated with risks and hazards.
Because Best Access Doors cares about our clients and customers' safety, we came up with this article to brush up on electrical safety tips that prevent unnecessary exposure to hazards and safety risks! Take a look at these tips and read on to know more.
1. For all your fixtures and appliances, be sure that you use the correct wattage.
Preventing electrical problems begins with using the right bulbs-- be sure to install the correct wattage bulbs in all lamps, appliances, and fixtures. As a recommendation, use 60-watt bulbs or less if a light fixture doesn't list any wattage. When it comes to unmarked ceiling fixtures, it is advisable to select 25-watt bulbs.
2. Always be cautious of overloaded outlets to protect your building.
One common cause of electrical problems is the overloading of electrical outlets. Regularly check the electrical outlets to ensure that they are cool to the touch, properly working order, and have the necessary protective faceplates. For electrical safety tips, here are some of them that you can follow:
- Avoid using extension cords or multi-outlet converters for electrical appliances;
- Only one heat-producing device should plug into an outlet at a time;
- Qualified electricians should check hot outlets;
- Keep in mind that power strips do not change the power that the outlet receivers-- they only add outlets;
- In case an outlet is overheating, smart plugs can be used for monitoring outlet power loads and shutting off appliances.
3. Repair or replace electrical cords that are damaged.
Damaged power cords can seriously be an electrical safety risk to both residential and commercial buildings. They can cause not only electrocution but also fires. Regularly check all power and extension cords for any sign of cracking and fraying. When you see any damage, have them repaired or replaced as needed.
Remember, heavy furniture can crush cord insulation and damage wires. Cords that are hiding under rugs also pose a tripping hazard and can overheat. Regular use of extension cords may mean that there are not enough outlets that fit your needs.
If possible, hire a qualified commercial electrician who understands all necessary electrical safety rules and install additional outlets in areas that often use extension cords. A cord having a load of 16 AWG can hold up to 1,375 watts, and heavier loads should use a 14 0r 12 AWG cord.
4. To prevent damage, tidy and secure all used and unused electrical cords.
If you think that electrical safety rules only apply to power cords that are not in use, then that's where you will go wrong-- it is crucial to store cables safely to prevent damage. Stored wires must likewise be away from children and pets. If you don't want cords to stretch or overheat, always avoid wrapping cords too tightly around objects. Moreover, please don't put a cable on a hot surface to prevent it from damaging the cord's insulation and wires.
5. Reduce potential risks by unplugging all unused appliances.
This tip is one of the most straightforward electrical safety tips but is also one of the easiest to forget. Doing this helps save power by reducing any phantom drain, or the energy consumption of the device when not actively in use and helps protect them from power surges or overheating. While it is often challenging to remember unplugging unused appliances, there is now the new generation of smart plugs that offers the solution of setting power schedules for each outlet.
6. Prevent shock by putting electrical devices and outlets away from water.
Water and electricity don't mix, and it is essential to keep all electrical equipment always dry and away from water. It helps prevent damage to appliances and even protect people against electrocution and personal injury. You might want to keep electrical equipment away from aquariums, sinks, showers, plant pots, and bathtubs to lower water and electricity contact risks.
7. Provide proper space to your appliances for air circulation to keep them from overheating.
Electrical equipment that doesn't have proper air circulation can eventually overheat and short out, and turn into an electrical fire hazard. You have to ensure that all appliances have adequate air circulation. Also, avoid running electrical equipment enclosed in cabinets. To achieve the best electrical safety, store flammable objects away from all electronics and appliances. Always pay close attention to the gas or electric dryer. They need to be at least a foot from the wall to function safely.
8. Exhaust fans must be clean to prevent fire hazards.
Some appliances have exhaust fans prone to getting dirty or clogged with debris, making the appliance work harder. Aside from shortening the appliance's life, it can also cause a building risk because of overheating or causing dangerous gasses to build up. It may then lead to an electrical fire hazard if this happens. The exhaust fans won't create such risks if cleaned regularly.
9. For improved electrical safety, always follow appliance instructions.
The first tip is very simple: read the instructions. Safely operating appliances help improve both the device's performance and the personal safety of the building occupants. Furthermore, stop using any tool that gives even the slightest electrical shock until a qualified electrician examines it for any existing problems.
10. Raise awareness of heaters and water heaters to prevent potential accidents.
Keep away combustible items from built-in furnaces and portable heaters. To ensure furnaces safety, keep combustibles away from heaters. Place portable heaters far away from drapes and stored on a stable surface to prevent tipping.
Final Thoughts
It just takes one mistake for an electrical fire to spark. However, following simple prevention measures can be an effective solution. It entails being safe when using extension cords, electrical appliances, light bulbs, and other equipment included in household and office rules. All family members, employees, and building occupants must strictly follow all electrical safety tips to make it easy to prevent electrocution and electrical fires.
To help protect your electrical wires and other equipment, we also advise the installation of access doors. Partner with Best Access Doors today and check out our product line at www.bestaccessdoors.com.
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