How to Keep Your Building Safe From Intruders With High Security Roof Hatches
Posted by Best Access Doors on 28th Dec 2022
People often need to remember about the roof regarding security precautions and systems. It may seem far-fetched, and something that only happens in action movies, but the number of incidents involving theft has been increasing. Guess what these thieves use for access? Ordinary roof hatches. It isn't something new, and an example of this incident would be back in 2016 when a thief successfully stole about $280K from a bank after gaining access through the roof hatch.
A similar incident occurred recently in November 2022. A string of Winnipeg roof hatch thefts ends with at least $66k worth of stolen property. It should be proof that you can always be careful about ways to secure your building. If you do not want to be a victim of these sneaky methods, know more about securing your roof with galvanized roof hatches.
Securing Your Roof
Be confident regarding the overall security of your commercial or residential property. Burglars are getting smarter, and people are getting lazier regarding building security. Roof hatches are essential for maintenance and providing access to your roof, so you should eliminate the option of not placing roof hatches at all to prevent theft. There are many ways to secure your roof, which can be inexpensive.
How to Ensure Rooftop Access Points Are Secure
One of this article's main focuses is raising awareness of how vulnerable your commercial building can be through your roof. You need to connect with everything when it comes to your security systems, and this includes the roof. Aside from installing galvanized roof access panels, consider the following as well on how to make your building safe from intruders:
- Rooftop access points should connect to your alarm systems
- Place a sounder on the rooftop hatch
- Place security bars or grills on every rooftop access point
Primary Benefits of Installing High-Security Roof Hatches
There are many reasons why you should choose the galvanized roof hatch for your commercial or residential building. Aside from being more secure and durable than standard roof hatches, this product also comes with additional features like:
- Weather-tight construction
- Convenient one-hand operation
- 12" high insulated curb
- Supports 40lbs./sq. Ft. live load.
What Makes Them Different from Standard Roof Hatches?
The main difference between these roof hatches and ordinary ones is that these roof hatches come with locks. Because of their durable make, you won't have to worry about thieves efficiently drilling through them. The galvanized roof hatches come with a self-latching zinc plated outside T handle. Its stainless-steel lock and lever assembly make it durable and secure inside and out. It also comes with inside and outside padlock provisions.
Another difference between these access doors and roof hatches is that they come with fire-rated features. They work just like your ordinary fire-rated security access panels, which will help slow down fires to ensure the safety of your tenants and employees. Having fire-rated doors and hatches will also help you lessen property damage.
Additional Building Security Tips You Never Thought Of
1. Motion Detectors Are a Must
Consider motion detectors if you have the money and want additional security on your roof. You do not have to install them everywhere in your building, just in areas that you consider critical or high-value. You can install them in places you often feel are blind spots, especially if your CCTV does not cover those areas.
2. Routine Maintenance Is Required
Aside from installing these security systems, you should also ensure that routine maintenance is always possible. One way of doing so is to install access doors that will provide easy and direct access to the main components of these security systems. Additionally, consider medium security access panels to prevent unwanted tampering. Some maintenance tips to consider:
- Always check if security systems are functioning properly
- Repair or replace anything that is no longer working
- Have your security agency tell you about system upgrades to increase security
3. Eliminate Possible Supports
Another thing you should keep in mind is to prevent thieves from having easy access to your rooftops and roof hatches in the first place. While it is safe to say these thieves might not scale your walls like an action movie star, consider these things when it comes to your rooftops:
- Store your rooftop access ladders inside the building if possible
- Secure your rooftop access ladders behind grills and bars
- Remove trashcans, trash bins, and other items around your walls that thieves might use to climb your roof
4. Make Friends with The Local Police
When there is a break-in, your local police will be the first responders. It would be better if you had good standing or a relationship with them. It does not have to be a personal relationship but having a healthy reputation within the community is one way to ensure that thieves avoid your commercial building. It is one of the ways how to prevent break-ins at night.
You can learn how to trick burglars into keeping your commercial space safe from their thievery. If you run a high-security facility, an easy way to increase the overall safety of your surroundings is by installing high-security access panels.
Security access panels come in different security levels, and contractors often install them in prison facilities or hospitals. You can pick from the various access panels available depending on your need and purpose.
What To Expect from Security Access Panels
If you plan to install security access doors and panels on your property, you should learn about the countless benefits and expectations you can get from them. Best Access Doors provide a wide range of security access panels with their level of security and durability. While standard access doors are beneficial enough, having an access door with an additional layer of protection would bring peace of mind. Here is what you should expect from security access doors:
- High-Quality Material
- Strategic Placement
- Safety & Security Features
- Ensured Access
- Trusted Access
Feel Secure with Us!
When it comes to providing commercial and residential property owners with additional security, Best Access Doors knows just what to offer! We provide a variety of security access doors and roof hatches that you can choose from.
Our product expert will gladly help walk you through our different products, or you can read about the best specialty access doors and security systems for prison facilities, so give us a call at (800) 483-0823 if you have any additional inquiries. You can always request a quote today for future single or bulk orders.
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