How to Properly Clean Floor Tiles

How to Properly Clean Floor Tiles

Posted by Best Access Doors on 28th Apr 2021

Commercial buildings have different flooring materials to create some appeal. Apart from the appeal, the flooring also acts to protect everyone from walking on rough surfaces. Usually, you can find that most commercial buildings have ceramic tile flooring because it’s not too expensive to purchase, and flooring contractors can install them easily.

However, some commercial buildings fail to keep their facilities in top condition because they don’t know how to clean them correctly. They think that cleaning ceramic floor tiles is as easy as using a wet mop mixed with soap, and that’s it. You should know how professional cleaners ensure your floor tiles look spotless by learning several tile cleaning techniques.

Step 1: Eliminate loose debris.

If your floor tiles get exposed to dirt all the time, you need to sweep everything up before you wet the surface. It would be best to use a vacuum to collect the debris quickly. There are times when inexperienced cleaners would use a mop right away, which is highly inadvisable because the wet mop will only spread the loose debris around the floor, causing you to do more cleaning than usual.

Step 2: Get the perfect floor mop.

You should know that professional cleaners have a mop that they take care of all the time. Every cleaner needs to ensure they maintain their cleaning tools at all times because a broken or worn-out cleaning tool can affect their work. You can say the same thing with the mop because it’s the one that can clean tiles quickly and efficiently.

Your cleaners should keep the head of the mop cleaned after every use. Others would leave it unclean after using it to mop floors, which is not ideal because it can wear out the tips quickly. They should also inspect the mop’s frame if there are any cracks or damage present. Once your commercial building cleaners have the right mop, you are one step closer to achieving clean tile flooring.

Step 3: Look for tile stains.

Now that you have loose debris collected and the perfect mop, your cleaners should look for tile stains everywhere. Usually, cleaners would start from the corner of the room and keep mopping the entire floor until they’ve covered the whole area. During the mopping process, they will encounter easily removable tile stains.

However, your cleaners might encounter some stains that they can’t get rid of using a mop and water. They need to inspect the tile stain’s substance to know the effective method of cleaning it away. You might encounter marks made from permanent ink in some cases, so you will need to find a specific cleaning solution that can take it off without damaging the tile’s surface.

Step 4: Be aware of soap residue.

During the mopping process, your cleaners should keep an eye out for soap residue. When the soap dries up, it will leave a mark on the tile and make it look dirty. Usually, you can get rid of it quickly by washing the mop off the soapy residue and dip the mop with clean water.

Step 5: Dry the tile floors properly.

One mistake that some cleaners make is that they forget to dry the tile floors properly. They think that once they finish mopping it, they can leave it to dry. That is where they are wrong because air-drying will form water spots. They should use a clean cloth and wipe it or use a floor dryer to speed up the drying process.

It would help if you kept your tile floors as clean as possible because it is one of the main elements that make your building look appealing. If you notice that your building technicians need to enter through your floor tiles, you need to install floor access doors recessed for ceramic tiles. You can learn more about the product by visiting the Best Access Doors’ website.