Sustainable Landscape For Your Commercial Property

Sustainable Landscape For Your Commercial Property

Posted by Best Access Doors on 9th Dec 2020

With more technology emerging in the construction industry, the work becomes more manageable, but it also brutally affects the environment. The use of equipment results in waste of fossil fuel, some chemicals turn up in groundwater, and careless irrigation wastes water resources.

Because of the environmental safety and protection issues that keep growing, it isn't new to hear about sustainability. It wasn't so long ago that "going green" was thought to be just a trend. Moreover, the products or services related to sustainability are expensive and can be ineffective at times.

However, when it comes to sustainable landscaping, more products and services offered are proven to be cost-neutral. Many sustainable landscaping practices are kind to the earth, such as mowing techniques to fertilizing practices. While the idea of a "sustainable landscape" can have various meanings to many different people, when taken at its most basic level, it refers to the practice of minimizing the utilization of non-native and non-renewable plant materials.

In this article, we'll give you a few ideas that you can consider if you want to make your commercial landscaping more sustainable.

1. Install a Smart Landscape Irrigation.

Landscape design is not sustainable if there is no efficient irrigation program. When dealing with large commercial properties, it is essential to have the industrial landscape looking as good as possible without wasting water. Incorporating a watering schedule that can provide a little consistency for the commercial aspect is cost-effective. An example is the installation of a smart irrigation control system that has rain sensors. By adding these controllers to the landscape irrigation system, you will update watering programs and send data off-site for additional analysis. If you're not convinced about smart irrigation, here are three awesome things to do for the commercial landscape:

  • With smart irrigation controllers, you will ensure that water is extending below the plants' roots in your view;
  • When it rains, the system will know precisely not to water. It will help in removing the tendency of oversaturating the turf;
  • Aside from correcting wrong over watering habits, monitored irrigation also helps in reducing water bills.

2. Go For Bio-Nutritional Fertilizers.

For the turf and fertilization, go with a bio-nutritional or organic fertilizer. It will produce synthetic matching results for turf durability and color, except for a dramatic increase in the number of insecticides and pesticides used on the lawn. Bio-nutritional fertilizers also improve a lawn's drought-tolerance and help cut down phosphorus use, which naturally balances the soil's PH. If you don't know how to go about with bio-nutritional fertilizers, it is better to partner with an experienced specialist who can ensure the use of the right fertilizer.

3. Opt For Smart, Low Maintenance Plantings.

There is also the option of mixing in attractive plants that won't demand plenty of irrigation. Not actively seeking plants requiring minimal water needs for the commercial landscape can cost additional revenue that could be allotted instead for other important and necessary projects and upgrades. Of course, you would instead put in a view that doesn't require any watering instead of watering something three or more times a week. Thus, smart, low maintenance plants are the solution.

4. Value the Importance of Recycling and Composting.

One form of recycling is "grasscycling." This process involves leaving the grass clipping on the lawn after mowing, instead of removing and bagging them. Because the grass clippings decay quickly, they will release their nutrients and be used again by the garden. With this practice, the need for additional fertilizers used in a whole year reduces. Another recycling method for implementation is a natural composting program together with a mulching program by spreading a thin covering of bark over the plant beds and tree roots.

5. Always Conserve Water.

Generally, commercial properties have an irrigation system that supplements the watering needs of their landscapes. These irrigation systems require a continuous need for assessment to ensure that they are still functioning correctly and that the sprinkler heads are even distributing water equally throughout the property. A landscape management service professional can help adjust watering schedules to match the plants' requirements and seasonal rainfall. Nowadays, there are already modern smart control systems that ensure plants are watered only when necessary and automatically adjust clocks and controllers according to the recorded rainfall data. These kinds of systems are also easily monitored and accessed remotely anywhere using smartphone apps.

6. Control the Use of Fertilizers and Pest Control Products.

Fertilizers and pest control products must be suitable ones used in the right proportion and at the right time. Choosing fertilizers and pest management products would entail reading and following instructions provided on the label. The recommended amount of fertilizer or product must be applied. Before using any fertilizer or pest management product, you and the landscape service provider must understand the impact of the products used in the natural environment.

7. The Waterfront Should Be Free from Plant Debris and Runoff.

Although fallen leaves, fertilizers, and grass clippings contain nutrients that can be beneficial to the grounds and landscaped spaces, there is still the possibility of them harming water streams and ponds. Always make sure that paved surfaces are clean. The material is swept back into the landscape to help protect the waterfront every after service of the property, especially after a spray application service.

8. Use Energy Efficient Lighting in the Landscape.

Any commercial property aims to attract customers, tenants, and employees 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, the best parts of the property are not a highlight without lighting that accentuates them. The aesthetic value of the landscape isn't the only thing that matters-- take note that having inadequate lighting can make the company liable if someone gets injured at night due to lack of light. If the company hasn't converted into LED lighting for landscape, it's probably time to replace the existing halogen bulbs as outdoor lighting with long-lasting LEDs. LED lighting is highly energy-efficient and typically uses just 20 percent of the traditional halogen bulb's energy to function.

Embrace Sustainable Landscape Now.

With more companies shifting to a sustainable landscape, making a commercial landscape green should now be a priority. Aside from helping the commercial property become energy-efficient, you will also be assisting in preserving Mother Earth.

When planning for sustainable landscape design, be sure to partner with contractors and suppliers that provide materials meeting your sustainability needs. Best Access Doors is a supplier of quality access doors that can meet your needs. For your commercial landscape, we have the ideal exterior access doors for you. Check them out at today.