Tools of the Trade – Common Contractor Tools
Posted by Best Access Doors on 19th Apr 2018
In the construction and industrial industry, certain tools are absolutely essential for the successful completion of any basic job. Without these tools, it would be nearly impossible to carry out the necessary tasks. Here, we present the top seven common contractor tools that you will find in the toolbox of any working contractor:
1. Hand Saw – While electrical saws are great, one thing that can’t be beat is that of a hand saw. Hand saws are perfect for all those big and small jobs, they are compact but they can also be heavy duty. Any contractor or construction worker knows that to get that perfect opening, having a hand saw, especially one that is perfectly sharpened can make those openings that much easier to access. Not to mention, that with a hand saw, one does not have to worry about where an outlet is, rather, a hand saw simply requires good old fashion manpower.
2. Levelers – Any contractor or builder knows that when it comes to providing quality work, having a leveler is one of the top tools they would use to provide just that. A leveler is an essential tool that helps in ensuring that anything from cutting a straight line is actually straight to hanging frames and ensuring that too is straight. A contractor or builder who does not use a leveler is one who either has a keen and strong eye for straightness or it could be that they don’t care.
3. Tape Measure – A tape measure is just as important of a tool in a contractor’s toolbox as a leveler. The tape measure is a truly essential tool in the beginning of any contractors or construction workers job site. From measuring the necessary frame sizes, openings and truly the materials needed to complete the job at hand – a tape measure allows for perfect and concise measurements.
4. Claw Hammer – Whether you are hammering a nail or removing one, a claw hammer is a piece of tool that is common around the waist of a contractor or construction worker. A claw hammer is just as old of a tool as the hand saw and used just as much as it too. A claw hammer, can come in different sizes and brands. Contractors and workers will always have a handy hammer on hand at all times on a site.
5. Nail Gun – Sometimes hammer to nail can be both exhausting and timely, enter the nail gun. For both contractors and construction workers, having a nail gun allows for the work to not only go along faster but smoother. Imagine, just point and click and done – nail in and pieces held steadily. For anyone in the industry that chooses to use a nail gun, or is a power tool enthusiast, a nail gun can come in different types of power and brands – each factor that is up for consideration providing pros and cons to the user.
6. Clamp – Sometimes having an extra pair of hands to hold or stabilize a piece of wood or frame just isn’t feasible – enter the clamp. The clamp is a tool that contractors and construction workers use to stabilize a piece onto another while they either drill, hammer or affix pieces together. Clamps are specifically a popular tool for carpenters that allow for hands free focus, which sometimes can be good thing when working with heavy machinery and somewhat dangerous tools like a hand or electrical saw.
7. Pencil – The last and most essential tool for a contractor or construction worker is that of the pencil. The pencil is quite definitely the most underrated tool yet without the pencil, no work can truly be done. How so? A pencil is used from drawing out designs, taking down measurements to marking down the spots for nails and holes. Look into the tool kit or maybe on the side of their hard hat and you will be sure to find a yellow 2HB pencil shaved down to its bit from all the use!
Whether you are embarking on a new journey as a contractor or builder, or you have gained years of experience in the industry, it's crucial to equip yourself with the right tools. These essential tools can be found in the toolboxes of not only contractors and builders but also anyone involved in the field of construction and building.
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